Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Impact of New Technology and Internet Influencing Marketing Mix. LEGO Assignment
Impact of New Technology and Internet Influencing Marketing Mix. LEGO Company - Assignment Example Lack of innovation and advancement of technology would engender stagnation of the organisation. Without an innovative approach and technological progress an organisation would not be able to prolong in the extremely aggressive and competitive era. Thus, an organisation has to be innovative in every aspect. Considering LEGO Group, it splits its eminent innovative efforts into eight divergent parts from development of the products to model innovation. It gives principal recognition to technology and in recent times the prominence of intellect and behaviour had been acknowledged and through a partnership with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Robot technology had been pooled with LEGO construction system ensuing in LEGO Mindstorms which allows its prospect customers to construct and design a robot within 30 minutes. LEGO has also a mission with regard to quality assured products. Mindstorm was an outcome of partnership amongst LEGO and MIT. The key idea behind it is to make th e children assess the toy. Another remarkable innovative product launched by LEGO is the movie maker which uses the similar proposal which allows the kids to make their own movies through the access to the computers. Marketing Mix Marketing procedures always require necessary attention on part of the management as production of goods would not have any intent unless products are sold in the market. Marketing mix signifies the assimilation of various marketing elements in an efficient way that would lead to the accomplishment of the organisational target in the best probable and desirable way. It is the strategy framework implemented by the marketer to achieve sensation in the marketing field. For being a thriving marketer one should always take into severe consideration the customer satisfaction as it is known that it is not the products that are sold in the market it is the satisfaction in terms of the product that is sold. The four heads under which the marketing elements are cate gorised are the product, price, promotion and place. Thus, a marketing mix is regarded as the unification of the four chief elements known as the 4P’s. Product refers to a physical and tangible characteristic allied with it for which the consumers are ready to pay for to derive satisfaction whereas services are intangible in nature which is purchased by the customers. Product is considered to be a key constituent for any marketing mix. The various decisions with respect to the product may be regarding the branding, product attributes product service support, product mix, product standardizing, colouring, packaging, product innovation, product modification and development of the accurate product among others (Russell Smith & Taylor, 2004). Price is the second constituent of the marketing mix affecting the sales. It comprises of determination of a pricing object and procedures, profit margins, price fixation, discounting policy, credit policy and concession policy among others. Promotion being the third constituent deals with influencing and drawing the attention of the customers. Promotion implies to the swaying communication about the vivid aspects of the product such as advertising, public relation, personal selling, sales promotional activities, displays and demonstrations among others (Russell Smith & Taylor, 2004). Place, also referred as distribution mix, is blend of decision making with context to location,
Monday, October 28, 2019
SWOT Analysis Essay Example for Free
SWOT Analysis Essay The strength of the company mainly lay on its popularity and its wide range of network. Blockbuster had realized these strengths and has taken advantage of them to the full extent. Advertising and in-house promotion have been performed quite successfully in maintaining the image and popularity of Blockbuster, particularly in the eyes of US consumers. Today, the company has also developed a popular presence on the internet and it has help to increase Blockbuster’s competitive advantage against its competitors (Lieberman, 2004). Blockbuster’s weaknesses include its high cost of operations and maintenance, limited stocks of popular movies and insensitiveness toward recent developments in the industry. Financially, the company needs to reduce operational costs of its stores, because it decreases operating profit into minimum profit or even losses. Strategically, blockbuster needs to maintain awareness of what competitors are doing and develop new programs to attract customers. Within the stagnant market, the company could not afford to miss-out on new development in video rental marketing and sales. Opportunities Opportunities for blockbuster come in several packages. The first is in foreign investments. The company which already has a significant presence and popularity in United States could easily gain market share in Europe or even developing countries that crave American products. Another opportunity is increasing customer service by recording customer preferences in corporate data. †¢ Threats One of the apparent problems in the video-rental industry is related to copyright issues and legal aspect of the business. Players within the industry are threatened by the presence of many illegal download centers on the internet. Sales have already been reported decreasing due to the prevalent of illegal downloading activities. On the other hand, video rentals have the obligation to pay legal fees for every title it possess which prevent them from competing with the decreasing costs of downloading movies through the internet. II. Conclusions This paper has elaborated the performance of Blockbuster Inc by using the environmental and SWOT analysis. From the financial perspectives, the company shows the declining performance due to cost of rental revenue was recorded to increase while sales were decreasing. The companies also experience the hardest force from industry that faces several technology alternatives for seeing movies. The situation causes the company to experience declining revenue into $5. 7 billion in 2006. In terms of sales, 2006 actually revealed a declining performance, but it is still much better compare to 2002. Vertical analysis on the other hand, described a tendency of financial development. Blockbuster records more than $5 billion in 2006. In terms of sales, 2006 actually revealed a declining performance, but it is still much better compare to 2002 sales (Blockbuster Inc, 2006). The undulating Blockbuster performance has caused the undulating performance as well. Furthermore, from the environmental analysis, we find that movie rental industry has a stagnant market condition since the substitutes of products are vastly available from the video download via iPod and the free sample of video at www. youtube. com, for instances. Although the company faces threat for their future business, still, they have the strong brand when expanding into foreign market especially the Europe. III. Recommendations Following professional guidance along with taking advantage of the internal and external analysis previously performed, we will then formulate several of the foreseeable solutions and suggestions. These general suggestions to increase Blockbuster’s operational efficiency are ones that might already exist within the corporate strategy, but requires further attention and development: †¢ Providing Employee with Access to Required Information Employers always suggested that employees should do their best to satisfy customers and generate a rebuy or revisit. Ironically, some employers are doing this without equipping their employees with the proper tools to provide customers with satisfactory services. Those tools could be sufficient training, guidance in the workplace or access to sufficient information. Block buster should pay attention particularly to the latter tool. By developing a customer preference list, employees could help customer pick-out movies that they would like. This would not only increase customer retention but increase employee working satisfaction.  Improve Employee Satisfaction and retention People that have the best knowledge on how to enhance the operational efficiency of a rental operation are the employees. Employers should spend time and effort ensuring that employees are performing their functions with sufficient motivation to recognize efficiency opportunities if they see one. Most workplaces are trapped with poor efficiency performance because they never let employees provide them with suggestions and insights. Develop Long-term Technology Plan. One of the recorded mistakes of Blockbuster is not to create their presence in the internet when they should have. An untimely entrance to an extremely competitive market could well mean no entrance at all. To prevent similar occurrences, Blockbuster should develop a long term technology plans where managers of the company formulate long term objectives of the company and then revise a technological plan based on the formulated goals. †¢ Reducing Rental Centers For a more radical solution, the company could simply reduce the amount of retail locations to reduce operational cost. Instead of building and maintaining stores every 5 blocks, the company could otherwise increase the technology investments in remaining stores and provide customers with state of the art customer services. †¢ Rent-out Spaces Furthermore, in locations which are not contributing sufficient profit, Blockbuster could rent the space for external businesses. This has been a normal practice for many gas stations or other business settings when they have unproductive space within their facilities. Other opportunities could be gained from partnering with other video-rent retailers. Partnering with other Retailers Instead of building new stores and increasing operational costs, Blockbuster could otherwise try to create alliances with other existing resources retailers. An example of those retailers could be the grocery chains. Blockbuster could sign a leasing agreement with the grocery store and perform operations within the grocery store. There are two main advantages of this plan, first, Blockbuster will only need to pay for the lease instead of building and maintaining another building, and second, Blockbuster could benefit from gaining access to customers of the grocery store. If the first implementation of this strategy is successful, Blockbuster should begin to consider the benefits of moving all of Blockbuster’s retail locations into grocery stores. Bibliography About Blockbuster. com. 2006. 08 Mar. 2006 http://www. blockbuster. com BBI: Profile for BLOCKBUSTER INC. 2006. Retrived February 20, 2008 from http://www. finance. yahoo. com/q/pr? s=BBI Blockbuster Inc; Investor Relations – Various Press Releases; 2005-2006 http://www. blockbuster. com Brem, Lisa and Narayanan, V. G.2002; That’s a Wrap: The Dynamics of the Video Rental Industry; Harvard Business School Case 9-102-051. Lieberman, David. 2004. â€Å" Blockbuster jabs back at rivals†. USA Today. â€Å"Videotape Rental. †2004. Encyclopedia of American Industries. U of Florida Business Lib. , Gainesville, 20 July 2004 http://www. galenet. galegroup. com/servlet/BCRC. Wagner, Holly J. â€Å"2003: a breakout year for previously viewed: top previously viewed retailers. †Business Company Resource Center (2004). U of Florida Business Lib. , Gainesville, 20 July 2004 http://galenet. galegroup. com/servlet/BCRC.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Impact Of Television Violence In Relation To Juvenile Delinquency :: TV Violence Television Cause Essays
When children are taught how to tie their shoes, it is because of how their parents showed them. When children are taught how to do math problems it is because how their teachers show them. With all of the role models how does television affect our children? Many adults feel that because they watched television when they were young and they have not been negatively affected then their children should not be affected as well. What we must first realize is that television today is different than television of the past, violence is more prevalent in todays programming unlike the true family programming of the past. EFFECTS OF TELEVISION - THE BEGINNING Questions about the effects of television violence have been around since the beginning of television. The first mention of a concern about television's effects upon our children can be found in many Congressional hearings as early as the 1950s. For example, the United States Senate Committee on Juvenile Delinquency held a series of hearings during 1954-55 on the impact of television programs on juvenile crime. These hearings were only the beginning of continuing congressional investigations by this committee and others from the 1950s to the present. In addition to the congressional hearings begun in the 1950s, there are many reports that have been written which include: National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence (Baker & Ball, 1969); Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior (1972); the report on children and television drama by the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (1982); National Institute of Mental Health, Television and Behavior Report (NIMH, 1982; Pearl, Bouthilet, & Lazar, 1982); National Research Council (1993), violence report; and reports from the American Psychological Association's "Task Force on Television and Society" (Huston, et al., 1992) and "Commission on Violence and Youth" (American Psychological Association, 1992; Donnerstein, Slaby, & Eron, 1992). All of these reports agree with each other about the harmful effects of television violence in relation to the behavior of children, youth, and adults who view violent programming. The only thing that we know about the effects of exposure to violence and the relationship towards juvenile delinquency we gather from correlational, experimental and field studies that demonstrate the effects of this viewing on the attitudes and behavior of children and adults. Children begin watching television at a very early age, sometimes as early as six months, and are intense viewers by the time that they are two or three years old. In most cases the amount of televised viewing becomes greater with age and then tapers off during adolescence. ). The violence that is viewed
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Math Is Not a Language
Mathematics is Not a Language Language can be defined as the following: A medium in which communication occurs. However, there may be many misperceptions that mathematics is a language. One may argue that one can utilize numbers to represent certain letters in the alphabet, for example, a= 1, b = 2, c = 3. It is just using numbers, to represent a language. However, this is not mathematics. Numbers themselves can be a language, however numbers are just symbols. Numbers are not mathematics.Do we use mathematics to communicate? No. This is because mathematics is not a language, it is a process of logical reasoning. Yes, we can use any system of language to communicate the process of logic that mathematicians use. However, mathematics itself is not a method of communication. We can explain how to find the value of â€Å"x†in an equation in Babylonic cuneiform, or in C++, however, one cannot reach the conclusion without the method of inferring the answer, which is mathematics.Do w e use language to find the instantaneous rate of change in a parabolic equation? No. We use a process of logical reasoning called mathematics to solve the problem. We do not use Latin to solve the problem. We do not use Morse code to solve the problem. We can use numbers to solve a problem, however, numbers by themselves are completely meaningless unless mathematics is used to manipulate numbers. We can define language as: A medium in which communication occurs. Or a system of communication.Or a method to communicate one's thoughts or ideas. We can define mathematics as: A procedure of manipulating numeric values to reach a desired conclusion. Or a method of finding answers to a numerical problem using logical reasoning. Or a science of numeric value, quantity, and space. Mathematics is a process, not a medium. Mathematics is a method of reasoning, not a method of communication. Now, perhaps it is clearly understood why mathematics is not a language; only the poetic can state that à ¢â‚¬Å"Mathematics is the language of the universe. â€Å" Test: â€Å"Study Guide Algebraâ€
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Women’s Health & Preventative Care
Women’s Health Care and Preventative Care In the United States, the cost of health care is on the rise and it is almost impossible to receive any health care service at an affordable rate. Whether insured or uninsured, women of all demographics are faced with this problem. Women should not put their health or life at risk because they fear receiving another medical bill. Due to the rising cost of health care and insurance, more women do not receive preventative medical treatment and are currently in debt.Often, women do not receive or delay receiving preventative health care due to the cost of treatment. â€Å"Learning about and practicing preventive healthcare, i. e. maintaining your body and good health throughout your entire lifetime, is properly the best method to prevent disease from happening in the first place†(World Research Foundation, n. d. ). Women require more preventative health care than men and some of these preventative services are not always fully cov ered by insurance such as mammograms or prenatal care.Prenatal care is not only important for the woman’s health, but also for the child’s health. Preventative health care can detect as well as prevent diseases. Early detection is sometimes the key to curing certain diseases. More women currently are in debt or have unpaid medical bills. The rising cost of health care combined with the current job market has left more women in debt (Robertson & Collins, 2011). Health insurance providers do not always provide the coverage women need.In fact recent studies have shown â€Å"few plans offer maternity coverage and young women can face substantially higher premiums than men of the same age†(Robertson & Collins, 2011). Although,†The Affordable Care Act is bringing change for women through required free coverage of preventive care services, small business tax credits, new affordable coverage options, and insurance market reforms, including bans on gender ratingà ¢â‚¬ the law will not be implemented until 2014 (Robertson & Collins, 2011).Something needs to be done before then in order to cut down on debt from unpaid medical bills. The federal as well as the state government should implement more programs that offer preventative care at income based rates. There should also be more programs directed at lowering medical bill debt. A debt acquired by a medical bill should not affect a person’s credit. More insurance companies should provide age and gender specific plans at affordable rates, in order to ensure everyone receives the proper healthcare needed.Although, some of these solutions may have to be funded with higher taxes or budget cuts, these programs would definitely have a large impact on the amount of women who receive preventative care. Preventative care is a necessity in ensuring healthy living for women. Receiving preventative care is a cost effective way to save lives by treating and diagnosing diseases and conditions ear ly. Insured and uninsured women should be able to receive preventative care without worrying about how and if they will pay the medical bill.Although women’s health care cost is a rising issue in the U. S, there are cost effective solutions to alleviate this problem. References Robertson, R. , & Collins, S. R. (2011) Realizing Health Reforms Potential. Retrieved fromhttp://www. commonwealthfund. org/~/media/Files/Publications/Issue%20Brief/2011/May /1502_Robertson_women_at_risk_reform_brief_v3. pdf World Research Foundation. (n. d. ) Preventive Health Care Helps Everyone. Sedona, AZ: WorldResearch Foundation. Retrieved July 15, 2012 from http://www. wrf. org/preventive-healthcare/preventive-healthcare. php
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
John Downe Essays
John Downe Essays John Downe Essay John Downe Essay John Downe In John Downe’s letter to his wife, he strategically establishes and develops ethos as well as pathos to convince her to join him in the United States with their children. Throughout the letter, Downe develops his credibility through his use of ethos which includes the repetition of â€Å"I. †â€Å"I have got a situation,†â€Å"I dined with him,†â€Å"I went into the market yesterday,†all progress towards the establishment of his plausibility in his wife’s eyes. He provides his wife with examples of the many positive situations he, himself has endured while being in the country of America. Downe hopes that his persuading words will convince her to emigrate with their children to America. â€Å"I know you will like America†is Downe’s primary hope and purpose for writing this persuasive letter. By describing all the things that he has been able to do in this country, â€Å"I can go into a store, and have as much brandy as I like to drink for three half-pence and all other spirits are in proportion,†Downe hopes that these credential words will be approved by his wife. His elaborations on the things he has managed to do in America are essentially used to provoke his wife’s interest in this country. These descriptions are used as reassurance for his wife to know of the great opportunities he has found in America but not back home in England. Downe believes this will strike his wife as another reason why she will enjoy her new life in America and compares their troublesome life in England to the great possibilities that can be accomplished in this new country. He explains, â€Å"this is a country where a man can stand as a man, and where he can enjoy the fruits of his own exertions, with rational liberty to its fullest extent†, hoping that his comparisons to the life in England and the life in America will evoke in his wife a sense of longing for this kind of living. Downe’s convincing words showing all of the achievements he has experienced in America lead his wife to want this same kind of exposure. Downe continues to expand on the things he has accomplished in America with his development of pathos through long, periodic sentences. He mentions that on the table there was â€Å"pudding, pyes, and fruit of all kind that was in season†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and â€Å"they do not think of locking the doors in this country†to assure his wife of the safety and prosperity of this country. He then goes on to acknowledge, with emotional appeal, that all he â€Å"wants now is to see you, and the dear children here, and then I shall be happy, and not before†. This is Downe’s development of pathos for the purpose of persuading and influencing his wife to make her decision much easier about emigrating to America with the children. He hopes to influence her decision by explaining how much better off they would be as a family, together in one country. Although he announces that he will only be happy if his family comes to America to live with him, Downe concludes that he does not â€Å"repent of coming†and he â€Å"would rather cross the Atlantic ten times than hear my children cry†. By his mentioning that he does not regret one bit coming to America, Downe hopes to display for his wife how great of a country America is. The pathos are purposefully placed there by Downe to show to his wife that although he has left his family, he would do it all over again just to live in the convenient country of America- hoping this will stir some kind of desire in his wife’s mind. Through his emotional words, Downe demonstrates that the travel to America is nothing compared to what this country holds in store for their family. Although he explains to his wife there will be â€Å"a few inconveniences in crossing the Atlantic†, in the end she will enjoy the United States of America. In the midst of his pathos, it is possible to conclude that Downe’s reason for leaving his family behind is to find opportunity for a new life, which America provides. Through his use of repetition and periodic sentences, John Downe develops credibility and emotional appeal. Through his repetition of â€Å"I†, he is able to bestow upon his wife a feeling of longing for the same freedom and prosperity he has gained when coming to America by showing her all of the things he has accomplished while living in this country. With Downe’s strategic pathos, he manages to convince his wife that all he wants for their family is wealth, health, and land- all of which can be found in America.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Feature Article Conventions Essay Example
Feature Article Conventions Essay Example Feature Article Conventions Paper Feature Article Conventions Paper A feature article differs from a straight news story In several ways. A news story provides Information about a (generally current) event or situation. A feature article has more functionality and longevity- It Interprets news, adds depth, opinion or entertainment. Headline: The headline of a feature article uses bold and descriptive language to draw the attention of the reader. Also works to construct a vivid image In the mind of the reader. Headline is always visually appealing: bold and clear. Can sometimes contain Jokes. Puns or provocative language to entertain reader. Can also ask rhetorical questions. Structure Introduction: The introduction entices the reader, whilst clarifying the subject. It establishes the writers point of view/thesis. Uses direct quotations, recounts, questions, descriptions or a personal Interest story (the experiences of a person unique to the topic) to encourage readers to read further. Body: Goes Into further detail about the topic. Answers any unanswered questions raised in the introduction. Uses direct quotations, expert opinions, interviews, anecdotes, statistics and facts. Avoids lengthy complex paragraphs as articles are often written in columns. : Conclusion: Closes the epic by making final conclusions. Malignant the mood of the story. Language: The language used in feature articles is persuasive and emotive: intended to create a particular emotional response in the mind of the reader (this could range from sorrow to anger or intrigue depending on the article). Articles can sometimes use catch phrases or a repetitive phrase to trigger a response In the audience. Selection and omission of detail Is significant. Language can sometimes be bold and exaggerated to create an emotional response: when reading, highlight words with particularly strong connotations. Makes use of motive language, inclusive language (we, our), rhetorical questions and a mixture of long and short sentences. The language is also well suited to the target audience. For example, a feature article from Girlfriend magazine may use vocabulary that is suited to a young teenage reader, where as The New York Magazine may make specific references to places and words only New Yorkers would know. Images, data, graphs and statistics: Images that are unique to the story are often used to add to the emotion of the story. Photos of the people featured in the human-interest stories are often used. Graphs ND pie charts are sometimes used as they add a visual element and can often snack ten reader. CE rattan Important quotations are Elodea Ana drawn out AT ten text to catch the readers attention (even if they do not read the full article, they are aware of the impact through the quotations used). Source and target audience: When analyzing a feature article, you must ask: What source did the article come from (I. E. What magazine, newspaper of Internet source)? Does the writer have an agenda (I. E. Are they trying to promote a particular point of view)? Who is the intended target audience (you can determine this by tidying the language, and visual cues such as colors and images used)? Is the article free or do you have to pay to access it? Bias and point of view: Bias is the representation of one side of an issue or topic, without exploring or acknowledging an equally valid (but opposing) point of view. The writers of feature articles sometimes face pressure to promote a particular product, way of thinking or political point of view. Feature articles will also present one side of the story: writers may omit (leave out) certain ideas to add to the emotional power of the story.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
3 Reasons Why Tough Job Interviews are Good for You
3 Reasons Why Tough Job Interviews are Good for You Dr. Andrew Chamberlain, Chief Economist at, has advice for the interview-averse among us. And it’s not just you- they’re a lot more intense than they used to be! Maybe you used to get called in based on a cold call or a particularly appealing resume, but now the average job interview process lasts 22.9 days, not the former 12.6. Companies are more demanding, and the interviews are more rigorous and could involve presentations, puzzles, tests, or on-the-spot problem-solving. The good news is, the more exacting process can be positive for candidates. Those tough interview questions might benefit you later. A tougher interview is associated with a higher job satisfaction rating later on- maybe this is because employees feel like they â€Å"earned†it, but I think it’s more likely that companies were able to identify traits they really valued and select the best possible candidate.1. Rigorous interviewing makes for better matches.Think of it a li ttle like dating- if you’re just meeting for drinks at a bar, you’re relying on small-talk to know if you’ve just met the life partner who will help you survive the zombie apocalypse. If you invite someone on a bowling/rock climbing/ice skating date, you’re going to know their skills, their strengths, their competitive instincts, and their response to physical stress. Which second date would you rather go on?2. A detailed application process puts expectations on the table.You can tell a lot about what a company wants by where they ask you to focus your energy during the application process. All of their questions are tied to specific work they’ll likely ask you to be doing; work backwards from the question to make educated guesses about the kinds of scenarios they’d be hiring you to handle. You’ll know what they’re looking for, and if that’s something you want to provide.3. The harder the process, the more theyâ€℠¢ll value you.When a company asks a great deal of you during the interview process, it should tell you two things- they regard this job highly, and they’re willing to expend resources to make sure they can depend on you. This should also give you a healthy appreciation for your own value- you must have something impressive to offer if they’re this invested in making sure you’re a good fit for their company.Remember to keep your positive attitude and a fake-it-til-you-make-it confidence at the forefront, even if demands seem excessive or more than what you bargained for.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
To Bury or Exhume the White Gods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
To Bury or Exhume the White Gods - Essay Example It also becomes the means by which the oppressed are made to believe in the ethical justice of the systems of production that engender their own oppression. These theories have great scope for application in postcolonial studies that seek to challenge narratives that are based on the versions of the colonizer’s memory. There are now attempts to revise the histories that have been written by such writers for the mental enslavement of the colonized. These counter-narratives too, however, stand the risk of being incorporated into the power structures of the imperialist narrative. This is to a certain extent inevitable as they come for e certain point in history when the effects of colonialism are still being overturned. It is in this context that Camilla Townsend’s article â€Å"Burying the White Gods: New Perspectives on the Conquest of Mexico†becomes important as it attempts to bridge certain gaps in historical narratives and at the same point of time also seeks to point certain flaws in the counter-narratives that one finds in the postmodern age. The essay thus points to the need for a history with lesser chinks (Townsend). The essay seeks to talk of the narratives that have been used to counter the narratives of Hernando Cortes and his conquistadors. Many such narratives talk of the situation where the people who were indigenous inhabitants of Mexico thought of the conquistadors to be gods. An elaborate system of lies is constructed whereby indigenous systems are arm-twisted into accommodating the colonizer into their narrative. The incorporation of Cortes into the narrative of the Indian God, Quetzalcoatl is a very good example of this. The God who is considered to have left the Indians’ land for the East was prophesied to come later on at a certain point of time. This narrative was changed a lot to accommodate the arrival of the colonizer into Mexico. There are several aspects that one needs to look into while analyzing
Friday, October 18, 2019
Obama's Full 2013 State of the Union Address Essay
Obama's Full 2013 State of the Union Address - Essay Example Minimum wages were raised to $ 9 as a social security measure. Gun control laws will be strengthened. War on terror will be ended in soon and America will take only a supporting role in future in Afghanistan. Obama seems to be particular about the development of manufacturing sector as a measure to boost America’s economic progress. In his opinion, manufacturing sector is the key in reducing unemployment and directing the country towards prosperity. Obama seems to believe in the economic principle of produce more and develop rapidly. In my opinion, Obama has used this opportunity to give more emphasize to the actions taken in the past to boost America’s progress. He had not said much about his future plans. Some of his claims in the speech were slightly exaggerated. For example, he proudly announced that minimum wages were raised to $ 9 per hour. However, he had forgotten that this slight increase in minimum wages is nothing considering huge expenditure an average family faces daily. Moreover, he announced that the oil production has increased a lot in the recent past. However, still America is the second largest importer of oil resources from external countries. China like countries has already implemented big efforts to exploit renewable energy sources such as solar energy. However, Obama is still reluctant in spending much on developing renewable energy sources. It should be noted that China is the number one exploiter of solar energy at present and their progress is causing big concerns to America. Ho wever, Obama has not said anything about the challenges from China and India like Asian countries. Even though Obama talked about war on terror and withdrawal of American forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, he said not much about America’s foreign policies on Middle East issues. Even though plenty of people expected a
Opeidus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Opeidus - Essay Example When Oedipus heard of the prophecy, he attempted to change it by leaving what he thought was his birthplace. He didn’t trust himself enough to not kill the man he thought was his father and then marry his mother: â€Å"So for years I’ve given Corinth a wide berth/†¦so I wouldn’t kill my father.†It was because he didn’t trust himself to not perform these acts he would never knowingly do that he put himself in a position to unknowingly perform them. Tiresias serves as a foil to Oedipus; he is a blind man that sees the truth of the situation. His words serve as a way for Oedipus to take responsibility for what he’s done: â€Å"How terribleâ€â€to see the truth/ when the truth is only pain to him who sees!†Because Oedipus was unable to see the truth of the situation, he punished himself by blinding himself. He thought it was a fitting punishment because his eyes did not allow him to see the truth as it was. â€Å"But the hand that struck my eyes was mine,/ mine aloneâ€â€no one elseâ€â€/ I did it all myself!†If Oedipus didn’t want to fulfill the prophesy, he could have chosen not to kill anyone or to marry someone younger than him. But because he himself chose his line of action which fulfilled the prophesy, he accepted responsibility for his own
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Personal Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Personal Development Plan - Essay Example This requires funds, which are not always available. In this case, I will have to prove to an organization that my research is in accordance to the vision of their company and aiming at improving science and technology in the country. Attaining this chance will give me a good chance to d my research work. I will also be able to get first hand skills and opportunities. I will also be able to improve m communication and social skills within the company of my research. This will widen the scope of my knowledge and I will be able to learn various challenges individually. Apply for lots of jobs in my field of study. Engage in internship and volunteer jobs within my field of career and my dream working stations. Engage in 8 hours lecturing within a week in the University to improve my teaching skills and solicit for a job while still seeking for a job Securing these two jobs will be a dream come true. I will be able to put my practice at work. I will also be able to improve my communication status. My living standards will also improve, as I will be under payroll. I will also be able to meet various opportunities in my field of operations After securing good grades at master’s level, it will be easy to pursue my doctorate degree. This includes applying well within the stipulated time. I will also ensure that all the necessary requirements are available on time and above all that, I am qualified for the position to further my studies. Owing to good experience at field work I will ensure I work hard and pass my exams and learn more from the course You should identify the level where on the scale you think you are and also comment on what evidence your assessment is based in the space beside each component part of the skill. Evidence needs to be hard evidence eg results or feedback from tutors or employers. I have good communication skills especially since I am a trained teacher through my field of agriculture
Is the use of field trips in geography a useful wasy for children to Essay
Is the use of field trips in geography a useful wasy for children to learn between the age of 5 to 11 year old discuss - Essay Example In short, early years geography is fundamentally about the development of the concepts of ‘space’ and ‘place’ and, entirely depends upon a wide range of classroom tasks and related learning activities that can contribute to effective learning of these concepts. Practical tasks with which children may engage to promote meaningful learning in geography draw upon a complex theoretical framework. Present space clearly does not allow for a comprehensive overview and analysis of this. Thus it is intended to highlight a number of key elements of the framework and to illuminate these with recent and relevant research evidence. (Birch & Palmer, 2004, p. 8) While the content of the National Curriculum for Schools in England underpins and guides the structure of the forthcoming text, it also discusses general principles of teaching and learning in geographical education that are transferable and applicable to all ‘early years’ children of nursery and school age. It is relevant to teachers, student teachers, policy-makers and all other providers of field trip education for children aged 5 to 11 years; that is, the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 in the language of the National Curriculum. We consider it to be both a difficult and inappropriate task to pursue any discussion of learning experiences relating to the subject matter of geography in the early years of schooling without making reference to the cross-curricular theme of education for sustainable development, closely allied to the area of learning which many know as environmental education. These learning experiences refer to a large extent of Geographical field trips which are inextricably linked in the work of primary education ranging from nursery to early primary classes. Therefore, their inter-relationships are considered with field trips and practical examples that take account of teaching and learning across the whole spectrum of geography and what might be termed
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Personal Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Personal Development Plan - Essay Example This requires funds, which are not always available. In this case, I will have to prove to an organization that my research is in accordance to the vision of their company and aiming at improving science and technology in the country. Attaining this chance will give me a good chance to d my research work. I will also be able to get first hand skills and opportunities. I will also be able to improve m communication and social skills within the company of my research. This will widen the scope of my knowledge and I will be able to learn various challenges individually. Apply for lots of jobs in my field of study. Engage in internship and volunteer jobs within my field of career and my dream working stations. Engage in 8 hours lecturing within a week in the University to improve my teaching skills and solicit for a job while still seeking for a job Securing these two jobs will be a dream come true. I will be able to put my practice at work. I will also be able to improve my communication status. My living standards will also improve, as I will be under payroll. I will also be able to meet various opportunities in my field of operations After securing good grades at master’s level, it will be easy to pursue my doctorate degree. This includes applying well within the stipulated time. I will also ensure that all the necessary requirements are available on time and above all that, I am qualified for the position to further my studies. Owing to good experience at field work I will ensure I work hard and pass my exams and learn more from the course You should identify the level where on the scale you think you are and also comment on what evidence your assessment is based in the space beside each component part of the skill. Evidence needs to be hard evidence eg results or feedback from tutors or employers. I have good communication skills especially since I am a trained teacher through my field of agriculture
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Missoni Brand Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Missoni Brand Architecture - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that Missoni has diversified as part of its brand extension, and ventured into other industries that are a continuation of the lifestyle that the company seeks to offer. In this case, it has ventured into the hotel industry and already established a number of high-end hotels in other locations being on the company’s overall plan. Currently, the company’s lines of operation include the signature Missoni line, which is the mother company with divestment into other famous Missoni lines. These lines include M Missoni, which is a less expensive line; Missoni Sports, which deals with sports apparel; Missoni perfumes; Missoni Home collection, which deals with furniture; and Hotel Missoni.This paper highlights that Missoni has taken a number of measures to ensure that it remains at a favourable position among its competitors. In the fashion industry, the key determinants of brand positioning are the pricing and the direction of the brand. In line with this, the direction of the brand is the target market that the company ventures in, with some companies focusing on conservative apparel while others focus on directional apparel. On the other hand, the pricing of the products that competitors in the industry offer determines the market offering cheap products for the lower class. For Missoni, the company primarily offers products that were conservative and luxurious in nature with these products being either in the fashion industry or in the hotel industry. ... These products include the services offered in their hotels and the products popular in the fashion industry. As a luxury brand, Missoni competes with various brands for high-end markets in both the fashion and hotel industries (see Fig. 2). Figure 2: Brand Conceptual Map of Missoni Brand Positioning In order to position itself competitively in the luxurious fashion industry, Missoni has taken a number of measures to ensure that it remains at a favourable position among its competitors. In the fashion industry, the key determinants of brand positioning are the pricing and the direction of the brand (Manlow 156). In line with this, the direction of the brand is the target market that the company ventures in, with some companies focusing on conservative apparel while others focus on directional apparel (see Fig. 1). On the other hand, the pricing of the products that competitors in the industry offer determines the market offering cheap products for the lower class (Carroll). For Misso ni, the company primarily offers products that were conservative and luxurious in nature with these products being either in the fashion industry or in the hotel industry. However, to set itself apart, the company has carried out a number of measures that have ensured that the brand positioning was for unique and luxurious products in the competitive fashion industry. Brand Differentiation Missoni’s success has been a result of the differentiated products that it has continually offered to its clients. In this regard, brand differentiation focuses on creating products that cannot be easily counterfeited due to the unique nature of the products (Manlow 156). By creating a concept that is characteristic of
Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research Designs Essay Example for Free
Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research Designs Essay The experimental research design is one of the most reliable quantitative designs available. Basically, it requires that the researcher conduct an actual experiment in order to prove the research hypothesis. Similar yet fundamentally different from the experimental design is the quasi-experimental design. his paper discusses the procedure in conducting an experimental design research and differentiates it from a quasi-experimental research design. Examples of each are given to facilitate further comparison and contrast. The first step in conducting an experimental research design is to identify the independent and dependent variables. According to Random House’s dictionary of statistical terminologies, â€Å"the dependent variable is the event studied and expected to change when the independent variable is changed. †(Random House, 2001, p. 534). In Butler and Lijinsky (2005) which is an example of experimental research, the independent variable was the type of rat while the dependent variable was the toxicity level. This meant that the research seeks to verify whether different types of rats would have different acute toxicity levels. After the identification of the independent and dependent variables, the next step is to randomly select a sample for the experiment. To randomly select a sample means to make sure that all of the members of the population have an equal chance of being selected (Corder Foreman, 2009). For example, when seeking to study a school population as is the case in of Stevens Slavin (1995), random sampling is conducted by placing all of the possible respondents in a list and selecting from that list randomly. In this way, each student has an equal opportunity to be selected for the study. Lastly, once the experiment is conducted, a secure atmosphere is generated wherein the effect of other factors are minimized (Mertens, 1998). Going back to Butler and Lijinsky (1995), the experiment was conducted in a secure atmosphere where the only variables were the type of rat and the toxins induced to them. All other factors such as the food they were given, the space of their cages and so on were kept the same for the different types of rat. In a quasi-experimental approach, an experiment is also conducted and dependent and independent variables are also selected. Measures to keep all other variables constant are also taken. However, the defining difference between the tow is that quasi-experimental designs do not conduct random sampling (Mertens, 1998). For example, the quasi-experimental research conducted by Dutton (1986) simply a sample from those that were available. This is not random sampling and therefore the design cannot be considered as experimental but it does fit the quasi-experimental description. In conclusion, it is clear that while experimental and quasi-experimental research designs are similar, they do have an essential difference. References Butler, A, and Lijinsky, W. (2005). â€Å"Acute toxicity of aflatoxin G1 to the rat†Journal of Pathology, 102 (4), 209-212. Corder, G. , Foreman, G. (2009). Nonparametric Statistics for Non-Statisticians: A Step-by-Step Approach. Wiley. Dutton, D. (1986). â€Å"The Outcome of Court-Mandated Treatment for Wife Assault: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation. †Violence and Victims, 1(3) 163-175 Mertens, D. (1998). Research methods in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative qualitative. Sage. Random House. (2001). Random House Websters Unabridged Dictionary. Random House, Inc. Stevens, R. , and Slavin, R. (1995). Effects of a Cooperative Learning Approach in Reading and Writing on Academically Handicapped and Nonhandicapped Students. The University of Chicago Press.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Features of Location Strategy Planning
Features of Location Strategy Planning The location of a plant or facility is the geographical positioning of an operation relative to the input resources and other operations or customers with which it interacts. Andrew Greasly (2003) identified three main reasons why a location decision is required. The first reason is that a new company has been created and needs a facility to manufacture products or deliver a service to its customers. The second reason is that there is a decision to relocate an existing business due to a number of factors such as the need for larger premises or to be closer to a particular customer base. The third reason is relocate into new premises in order to be able to expand operations. Decisions with regards to where an organisation can locate its plant or facility are not taken often, however they still tend to be very important for the firms profitability and long-term survival. An organisation which chooses an inappropriate location for its premises could suffer from a number of factors, and would find it difficult and expensive to relocate. Location decisions tend to be taken more often for service operations than manufacturing facilities. Facilities for service related businesses are usually smaller in size, less costly, and are located in a location that is convenient and easily accessible to customers (Russell and Taylor, 2003). When deciding where to located a manufacturing facility different reasons apply, such as the cost of constructing a plant or factory. Although the most imporant factor for a service related business is access to customers, a set of different criteria is important for a manufacturing facility (Russell and Taylor, 2003). These include the nature of the labor force, proximity to suppliers and other markets, distribution and transportation costs, the availability of energy and its cost, community infrastructure, government regualtions and taxes, amongst others (Russell and Taylor, 2003). Location Strategy The facilities location problem is one of major importance in all types of business. It is important to notice the different problems that may arise whilst trying to choose a suitable location; which is the general area, and site; which is the place chosen within the location. Normally, the decision on siting proceeds in two stages: in the first, the general area is chosen; and then a detailed survey of that area is carried out to find suitable sites where the plant or facility could be located (Oakland and Lockyer, 1992). However, the final decision as to where to locate a facility is made by taking into consideration more detailed requirements. The following are a number of factors which might influence the choice of location (Oakland and Lockyer, 1992). Proximity to market: organisations may wish to locate their facility close to their market, to be able to lower transportation costs, and most importantly, to be able to provide their customers with a better service. If the plant or facility is located close to the customer, the organisation would be in a better position to provide just-in-time delivery, to respond to fluctuations in demand and to react to field or service problems. Availability of labour and skills: a number of geographical areas have traditional skills but it very rare that an organisation would be able to find a location which has the appropriate skilled and unskilled labour, both readily available and in the desired proportions and quantities. Even so, new skills can be tought, processes simplified and key personnel moved from one area to another. Availability of amenities: organisations would prefer to locate their facilities in a location which provides good external amenities such as housing, shops, community services and communication systems. Availability of inputs: a location which is near main suppliers will help to reduce cost and allow staff to meet suppliers easily to discuss quality, technical or delivery problems, amongst others. It is also important that certain supplies which are expensive or difficult to procure by transport should be readily available in the locality. Availability of services: there are six main services which need to be considered whilst a location is being chosen namely; gas and electricity, water, drainage, disposal of waste and communications. An assessment must be made of the requirements for these, and a location which provides most or all of these services will be more attractive than another which does not. Room for expansion: organisations should leave room for expansion within the chosen location unless long term forecast convey very accurately that the plant will never have to be altered or expanded. This is often not the case and thus adequate room for expansion should be allowed. Safety requirements: certain production and manufacturing units may present potential hazards to the surrounding neighbourhood. For example certain plants such as nuclear power stations and chemical factories should be located in remote areas. Site cost: the cost of the site is a very important factor, however it is necessary to prevent immediate benefit from jeopardising the long-term plans of an organisation. Political, cultural and economic situation: it is also important to consider the political situation of potential locations. Even if other considerations demand a particular site, knowledge of the political, cultural and economic difficulties can assist in taking a number of decisions. Special grants, regional taxes and import/export barriers: it is often advantegous for an organisation to build its plant or facility in a location where the government and local authorities often offer special grants, low-interest loans, low rental or taxes and other inducements. Location Selection Techniques The location selection process involves the identification of a suitable region/country, the indentification of an appropriate area within that region and finally comparing and selecting a site from that area which is suitable for an organisation. The following are a number of analytical techniques from the several that have been developed to assist firms in location analysis. Weighted Score The weithed scoring technique tries to take a range of considerations into account, including cost. This technique, which is also referred to as factor rating or point rating, consists of determining a list of factors that are relevant to the location decision. Each factor is then given a weighting that conveys its relative importance compared with the other factors. Each location is then scored on each factor and this score is multiplied by the factor value. The alternative with the highest score is then chosen. Locational Break-Even Analysis This technique makes use of cost-volume analysis to make an economic comparison of location alternatives. An organisation would have to identify the fixed and variable costs and graphing them for each location, thus determining which one provides the lowest cost. Locational break-even analysis may be carried out mathematically or graphically. The procedure for graphical cost-volume analysis is as follows: Determine the fixed and variable costs for each location. Plot the total cost (i.e. the fixed + the variable) lines for the location alternatives on the graph. Choose the location with the lowest total cost line at the expected production volume level. Plant Layout According to Andrew Greasly (2007), the layout of a plant or facility is concerned with the physical placement of resources such as equipment and storage facilities, which should be designed to facilitate the efficient flow of customers or materials through the manufacturing or service system. He also noted that the layout design is very important and should be taken very seriously as it can have a significant impact on the cost and efficiency of an operation and can involve substantial investment in time and money. The decisions taken with regards to the facility layout will have a direct influence on how efficiently workers will be able to carry out their jobs, how much and how fast goods can be produced, how difficult it is to automate a system, and how the system in place would be able to respond to any changes with regards to product or service design, product mix, or demand volume (Russell and Taylor, 2003). In many operations the installation of a new layout, or redesign of an existing layout, can be difficult to change once they are implemented due to the significant investment required on items such as equipment. Therefore, it is imperative to make sure that the policy decisions relating to the organisation, method and work flow are made before the facilities are laid out rather than trying to fit these three into the layout. This is an important area of production and operations management since it is dealing with the capital equipment of the organisation which, in general, is difficult to relocate once it has been put into position. Keith Lockyer (1992), in his book Production and Operations Management, explained that the plant layout process is rather complex, which cannot be set down with any finality, and one in which experience plays a great part. The author also explained that it is impossible for an organisation to design the perfect layout, however he discussed a number of criteria which should be followed to design a good layout. These criteria are discussed in brief below. Maximum Flexibility A good layout should be designed in such a way that modifications could rapidly take place to meet changing circumstances, and thus should be devised with the possible future needs of the operation in mind. Maximum Co-ordination The layout should be designed in such a way that entry into, and disposal from, any department or functional area should be carried out in the most convenient way to the issuing and recieving departments. Maximum use of volume The facility should be considered as cubic devises and maximum use is to be made of the volume available. This principle is useful in stores, where goods can be stored at considerable heights without causing any inconvenience, especially if certain mordern lifting machinery is available. Maximum visibility Locker further insists that all the workers and materials should be readily observable at all times and that there should be no hidden places into which goods or information might get misplaced and forgotten. Organisations should be careful when they make use of partitioning or screening as these may introduce undesirable segregation which reduces the effective use of floor space. Maximum accessibility The machinery, equipment and other installations should not in any way obstruct the servicing and maintenance points, which should be readily accessible at all times. Obstructing certain service points such as electricity and water mains could hinder the production process in place. Minimum distance and Material handling All movements taking place within the plant should be both necessary and direct. Handling work does add the cost but does not increase the value, thus any unecessary movement should be avoided and if present, eliminated. It is best not to handle the material and information, however if this is necessary it should be reduced to a minimum by making use of appropriate devices. Inherent Safety All processes which might constitute a danger to either the staff or customers should not be accessible to the unauthorised. Fire exists should be clearly marked with uninhibited access and pathways should be clearly defined and uncluttered. Unidirectional Flow All materials which are being used in the production process should always flow in one direction, starting from the storage, passing through all processes and facilities, and finally resulting in the finished product which is later dispatched for storage or sold directly to the customer. Management Coordination Supervision and communication should be assisted by the location of staff and communication equipment in place within the chosen layout. The Basic Layout Designs After choosing the process type which will be used within the plant, it would be necessary to select the layout of the operation. Presently, there are four basic types of production layouts, each with their own set of characterisitcs which are briefly discussed below. Fixed Position Layout A fixed position layout design is used when the product being produced is either too fragile, bulky, or heavy to move and so the conversion process would have to take place at the location where the product is created. Figure 2.7 conveys an example of a fixed position layout within a full service restaurant. In this particular type of layout, all resources and factors of production used to produce a particular product must be moved to the location where the product is to be produced. Scheduling and coordination of the required resources are important characterisitics of this layout, since these resources have to be available on the site where the product is to be produced in the required amounts at the required time (Andrew Greasley, 2007). For example, certain activities that are carried out in construction sites are only able to take place after the completion of other activities. The utilization of equipment in such a layout is often low, since it is cheaper to leave equipment idle at a location where it will be used during subsequent days than to move it back and forth (Russell and Taylor, 2003). Process Layout In process layouts, also termed as functional layouts, similar activities are grouped together in departments or work centers according to the process or function that they carry out. Figure 4.8 conveys a process layout in a manufacturing facility, were different processes and machines are located within their respective work center. This type of layout is characteristic of intermittent operations, service shops, job shops, or batch production, were different customers with different needs are served (Russell and Taylor, 2003). Equipment found in this particular layout is often general purpose, and workers are usually trained to make use of equipment in their department. One of the advantagous of this system is flexibility, however a high level of inefficiency takes place. This inefficiency arises since jobs and customers do not flow through the system in an orderly manner, movement from one department to another could take a long time, and queues tend to be developed (Russell and Taylor, 2003). Product Layout In product layouts, which are also known as assembly lines, activities are set up in a line according to the sequence of operations that have to take place in order to produce a particular product. Therefore, each product being produced must have its own line, which is designed in a unique way to meet its requirements (Russell and Taylor, 2003). The flow of work is carried out in an orderly and efficient manner, moving from one particular processing station to the next down the assembly line until the product is successfully produced (Russell and Taylor, 2003). These type of layouts are often incorporated for mass production or repetitive operations, where demand is normally stable and volume is high. In such cases, the product being produced is standard, and one which is produced for the general market. Figure 2.9 conveys a simplified configuration of a product layout. The product or line layout is known to be a very efficient production system because the use of dedicated equipment in a balanced line allows a much throughput time than in any other layout used (Andrew Greasly, 2007). However, this particular layout often lacks the flexibility found in the process layout since it only able to produce a standard product or service. Another issue which often concerns manufacturing companies is that if any particular processing station fails, the output from the whole line is lost. Therefore, it lacks the robustness to loss of resources such as equipment failure or staff which are not present at work that the process layout provides (Andrew Greasly, 2007). Cellular Layout A cell layout tries to combine the flexbility found in the process layout together with the efficiency found in the product layout. Machines and activities which are unalike are grouped into work centers, referred to cells, in order to create groups of parts or customers which have similar requirements (Russell and Taylor, 2003). The aim of this layout is to arrange different cells in such a way that materials movement is minimized. Figure 2.10 conveys how a process layout which has similar resurces has been grouped into three different cells. Through this redesigning, the routing of products has been simplified and products can now be processed in a single cell and need not be transported between different departments. 2.2 Quality Management There is a widespread acceptance that organisations view quality as an important strategic core competence and a vital competitive weapon which should be used to gain a competitive advantage at the expense of rivals. Several organisations have been able to reep a number of benefits, such as substanstial cost savings and higher revenues, after implementing a quality improvement process into their operations. Subsequently, this led them to invest substantial amounts of money yearly on implementing and sustaining quality programmes and intiatives. The American National Standards Institution (ANSI) and the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) define quality as the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy given needs. Similarily, Feigenbaum (2005), who is an American quality control expert, has defined quality as the total composite product and service characteristics of marketing, engineering, manufacture, and maintenance through which the product and service in use will meet the expectation by the customer. Put simply, this refers to an organisations ability to manufacture a product or deliver a service which satisfy the customers requirements and needs, and which conform to specifications. Keith Lockyer, in his book Production and Operations Management (1992), noted that organisations must be dedicated to the continous improvement of quality and must implement systematic control systems that are designed to prevent the production or delivery of products or services which do not conform to requirements. To facilitate this process, organisations should first set up a quality policy statement which describes their general quality orientation and which is used to assist as a framework for action. Once set up, top management would be required to: ensure that is it understood at all levels of the organisation; identify the needs of the organisations customers; evaluate the organisations ability to meet these needs; make sure that all the materials and services supplied fit the required standards of efficiency and performance; continously train the workforce for quality improvement; assess and monitor the quality management systems in place. Quality Control and Assurance in the Conversion Process Ray Wild (2002) has noted that the capability of the conversion process directly influences the degree to which the product or service conforms to the given specification. If the conversion process is capable of producing products or services at the specified level, then the products or services are provided at the desired quality level. Once the specification of the output is known and an appropriate process is available, management must ensure that the output will conform to the specification. In order to achieve this objective Ray Wild (2002) has defined three different stages which are outlined in figure 2.4; each discussed below. Control of Inputs Before accepting any items as inputs, organisations must make sure that they conform to the required specifications and standards. Normally, before items are supplied to an organisation, they are subjected to some form of quality control by the supplier. The organisation might also ask its suppliers for information about the quality of the items whilst they are being prepared, ask for a copy of the final inspection documentation, or ask a third party such as an insurance company to make sure that all the items supplied conform to the required quality standards. Even so, organisations still find the need to inspect the items supplied once they are recieved and before they are inserted into the conversion process. This inspection can be carried out by either inspecting every item recieved from suppliers, or by making use of the acceptance sampling procedure, which consists of taking a random sample from a larger batch or lot of material to be inspected. Organisations might also make use of the vendor rating procedure whereby suppliers are rated by taking into account a number of quality related factors such as the percentage of acceptable items recieved in the past, the quality of the packaging, and the price. Control of Process All manufacturing organisations must make sure that appropriate inspection is carried out during operations to ensure that defective items do not proceed to the next operations, and also to predict when the process is most likely to produce faulty items so that preventive adjustments could be adopted (Ray Wild 2002). The quality control of the production process is facilitated by making use of control charts, which convey whether the process looks as though it is performing as it should, or alternatively if it is going out of control. One of the benefits of this procedure is that it helps management to take action before problems actually take place. Ray Wild (2002) also notes that organisations should establish procedures for the selection and inspection of items which are used in the conversion process, for the recording and analysis of data, scrapping of defectives, and for feedback of information. Control of Outputs Organisations must ensure that the qulity inspection of output items is carried out effectively since any undetected defective items would be passed on to the customer. The inspection of output items is normally carried out by making use of a sampling procedure, such as acceptance sampling, or by carrying out exhaustive checks. Ray Wild (2002) notes that it is vital for an organisation to have in place suitable procedures designed for the collection and retention of inspection data, for the correction, replacement or further examination of defective items, and for the adjustment or modification of either previous inspection or processing operations in order to eliminate the production of defective items. HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Nowadays, the food industry is responsible of producing safe products and also for conveying in a transparent manner how the safety of food is being planned, controlled and assured. In order to do so, organisations in the food industry need a system which will ensure that food operations are designed to be safe and that potential hazards are taken into account (Bob Mitchell 1992). One such system is the Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points which is a scientific and systematic method used to assure food safety, and a tool for the development, implementation and management of effective safety assurance procedures (Ropkins and Beck 2000). The HACCP is known to be one of the best methods used for assuring product safety and is considered as a prerequisite for food manufacturing companies who wish to export their products into international markets. The objective of the HACCP system is to guarantee that the safe production of food by implementing a quality system which covers the complete food production chain, from the promary sector up to the final consuming of the product (Fai Pun, Bhairo-Beekhoo 2007). It is capable of analysing the potential hazards in a food operation, identifying the points in the operation where the hazards may take place, and deciding which of these may be harmful to consumers (Bob Mitchell 2002). These points, which are referred to as the critical control points, are continously monitored and remedial action is effected if any of these points are not within safe limits. The HACCP is the system of choice in the management of food safety; one which is highly promoted by the food safety authorities in the United States, Canada and European Union. Just-In-Time Scheduling Scheduling in Manufacturing Decision making with regards to scheduling has become a very important factor in manufacturing as well as in service industries. Scheduling is a decision making process whereby limited resources are allocated to specific tasks over time in order to produce the desired outputs at the desired time (Psarras, Ergazakis 2003). This process helps organisations to allocate their resources properly, which would further enable them to optimise their objectives and achieve their goals. A number of functions, conveyed in figure 2.5, must be performed whilst scheduling and controlling a production operation. In manufacturing systems, scheduling is highly dependent on the volume and variety mix of the manufacturing system itself. Mass process-type systems, which normally make use of a flow (product) layout where a standard item is produced in high volumes, make use of specialised equipment dedicated to achieve an optimal flow of work throughout the system (Andrew Greasly 2006). Greasly notes that this is very important since all items follow the same sequence of operations. One of the most important objectives of a flow system is to make sure that production is kept at an equal rate in each production that takes place. This could be ensured by making use of the line balancing technique, which makes sure that the output of each production stage is equal and that all resources all fully utilised (Andrew Greasly 2006). Just-In-Time The Just-In-Time Philosophy in Operations The just-in-time philosophy originated from the Japanese auto maker Toyota after Taiichi Ohno came up with the Toyota Production System whose aim was to interface manufacturing more closely with the companys customers and suppliers. This particular philosophy is an approach to manufacturing which seeks to provide the right amount of material when it is required, which in turn leads to the reduction of work-in-progress inventories and aims to maximise productivity within the production process (Singh, Brar 1991). The authors, Slack, Chambers and Johnston, of Operations Management (2001) defined the JIT philosophy as a disciplined approach to improving overall productivity and elimination of waste. They also state that it provides for the necessary quantity of parts at the right quality, at the right time and place, while using a minimum amount of facilities, equipment, materials and human resources. Thus, put simply the JIT system of production is one based on the philosophy of total elimination of waste, which seeks the utmost rationality in the way production is carried out. Bicheno (1991) further states that JIT aims to meet demand instantaneously, with perfect quality and no waste. In order to achieve this, an organisation requires a whole new approach in how it operates. Harrison (1992) identified three important issues as the core of JIT philosophy, namely the elimination of waste, the involvement of everyone and continous improvement. The following is a brief description of these three key issues (adapted from Operations Management by Andrew Greasly). Eliminate Waste Waste may be defined as any activity which does not add value to the operation. Ohno (1995) and Toyota have identified seven types of waste, which apply in many different types of operations, in both manufacturing and service industries. All of these types of wastes are displayed in figure 2.6 below. The involvement of everyone Organisations that implement a JIT system are able to create a new culture where all employees are encouraged to continously improve by coming up with ideas for improvements and by performing a range of functions. In order to involve employees as much as possible, organisations would have to provide training to staff in a wide range of areas and techniques, such as Statistical Process Control and more general problem solving techniques (Andrew Greasley 2002). Continuous Improvement Slack and Johnston (2001) note that JIT objectives are often expressed as ideals. Futhermore, Greasly (2002) states that through this philosophy, organisations would be able to get to these ideals of JIT by a continuous stream of improvements over time. The Benefits of Just-In-Time According to Russell and Taylor (2003), after fives years from implementing JIT a number of U.S. manufacturers were able to benefit from 90 percent reductions in manufacturing cycle time, 70 percent reductions in inventory, 50 percent reductions in labour costs, and 80 percent reductions in space requirements. These results are not achieved by each and every organisation that implements a JIT system, however JIT does provide a wide range of benefits, including: Reduced inventory Improved quality Lower costs Reduced space requirements Shorter lead time Increased productivity Greater flexibility Better relations with suppliers Simplified scheduling and control activities Better use of human resources Increased capacity More product variety Health and Safety Management The International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) define occupational health as the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; the prevention amongst workers of departures from health caused by their working conditions; the protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to health; and the placing and maintenance of the worker in an occupational environment adapted to his physiological and psychological capabilities. Many countries have introduced legislation which requires employers to manage the health and safety of their employees, and others who might be affected (Alan Waring, 1996). To honour health and safety legislation, organisations have found it necessary to introduce active programmes of accident prevention. The preparation of a properly though-out health and safety policy, which is continously monitored, could dramatically reduce or eliminate injuries and damage to health (Oakland and Lockyer, 1992). Responsibilities for Safety All employees in an organisation should be active in creating and maintaining healthy and safe working conditions which are aimed to avoid accidents. Once a health and safety policy is established in an organisation, roles and responsibilities should be allocated within the management structure (Oakland and Lockyer, 1992). As with other areas such as quality and production within an organisation, health and safety would only be able to progress successfully if all employees are fully co-operative and committed in doing so. A number of organisations have encouraged this total involvement by creating safety representitives, committees, and group discussions w
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Arthur Ashe :: Biographies Bio Biography
Arthur Ashe was someone who was able to touch people with not only his superb tennis skills, but also his abilities off the court, like his superb speaking skills and knowledge of the world around him. He was willing to put aside his tennis in order to try to change what was wrong with the world. Arthur Ashe was a brave and gifted person willing to take risks to make a difference and influenced many people's lives. In 1970, Arthur Ashe became a familiar name after Ashe easily won the 1970 Australian Open. He immediately used his new status as a popular, well-known figure in order for him to be able to address social issues and be listened to. During Apartheid, Ashe attempted to ban South Africa's participation in the International Lawn Tennis Federation (ILTF). By calling for South Africa to be banned from the Federation, he immediately saw how great his influence was, as his call was immediately granted. This made all of America take note of Ashe's powerful personal opinions and desire to get them across. Ashe spent the next couple of months after this speaking out against unfair on racial policies. This made everybody stand up and take notice and in addition to getting banned form the ILTF, South Africa was also excluded from Davis Cup competition as a direct result of Ashe's influence with his words. Though he was unable to stop Apartheid with his words, he was able to make people awar e of the horrors going on and also weakened it by getting the tennis organizations to exclude them from competitions, mainly the Davis cup. During this time, Ashe still hadn't given up on tennis, and continued to play well in addition to his large and ever-growing influence. In an unforgettable match, Ashe defeated popular player and Hall of Famer, Jimmy Connors and won the singles title of Wimbledon in 1975. The victory made Ashe the first black man ever to win this extremely prestigious tournament. Even now, no other black man has been able to win Wimbledon. Ashe went on to end the season ranked number one in tennis. He is also the first and only black man ever to achieve that honor. Ashe's career tragically came to an end when he suffered a heart attack while participating in a New York tennis clinic in 1979.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Alcohol consumption during this developmental period
Alcohol is one of the most commonly used drugs worldwide, and when used excessively it has deleterious effects on almost every organ system. Many people begin to drink alcohol during adolescence and young adulthood.Alcohol consumption during this developmental period may have profound effects on brain structure and function. Heavy drinking has been shown to affects on brain structure and function.Heavy drinking has been shown to affect the neuropsychological performance of young people and may impair the growth and integrity of certain brain structures. Furthermore, alcohol consumption during adolescence may alter measures of brain functioning, such as blood flow in certain brain regions and electrical brain activities. Not all adolescence and young adults are equally sensitive to the effects of alcohol consumption, however.Moderating factors-such as family history of alcohol and other drug use disorders, gender, age at onset of drinking, drinking patterns, use of other drugs, an d co-occurring psychiatric disorders-may influence the extent to which alcohol consumption interferes with an adolescent’s normal brain development and functioning (Tapert, Calwell, & Burke, 2004-2005).Emerging adulthood, the transitional period between high school and young adulthood, is marked by the formation of identity, the establishment of more mature interpersonal and intimate relationships, and the transition to new adult-type roles. It is also is a time of increased alcohol use and abuse, which can have long-term effects on both physical and psychological well-being and may have implications for the attainment of traditional adult roles.Gender, race/ethnicity, marital status, college, employment, peer and family influences, individual temperament, and attitudes about drinking all influence drinking behavior in this population.Attending college may represent a special risk to emerging adults, as increases in alcohol availability and acceptance of drinking on college c ampuses may lead to increases in heavy drinking among students.The non student population of emerging adults also is an important target for preventive interventions, especially because people in this segment of the population may be less likely to mature out of heavy drinking patterns established during adolescence, thus, the transition from high school to young adulthood appears to be an ideal developmental turning point during which to target interventions.Arnett (2000) referred to the transitional period from high school to young adulthood as â€Å"emerging adulthood.†This stage of life is defined as the period from the end of secondary school through the attainment of adult status (Arnett 2005), covering approximately ages 18 to 25, although it can extend longer. Emerging adulthood is marked by frequent change and exploration. It also is a period of increased alcohol use and abuse. The transition out of high school may be marked by increases in alcohol use and intoxicat ion.Even men who drank heavily in high school may drink more and become intoxicated more often after high school. Drinking patterns during the senior year of high school generally are useful in predicting post-high school drinking behavior, although research results vary. Some studies have found a high degree of individual stability in problem drinking from the early twenties into adulthood, whereas others have notMost emerging adults will outgrow heavy drinking and related problems before adulthood, on their own and without treatment (Marlatt et al. 1998). Research consistently shows that most indexes of alcohol use, and especially heavy drinking, are higher among males than females (O’Malley and Johnston 2002).In addition, the gender disparity in heavy drinking increases between late adolescence (i.e., senior year of high school) and young adulthood. In contrast, the rates of alcohol problems among male and female college students tend to converge (Jackson et al. 2005), alt hough men still report more problems in the public domain compared with women.Racial and ethnic differences in drinking and related problems have been documented in the literature. In general, White and Native American emerging adults drink more than African Americans and Asians, and drinking rates for Hispanics fall in the middle. In addition, in contrast to the peak in drinking among Whites around ages 19-22, heavy drinking among African Americans and Hispanic peaks later and persists longer into adulthood (Caetano and Kaskutas 1995).Some argue that the college campus environment itself encourages heavy drinking (Toomey and Wagenaar 2002). Alcohol use is present at most college social functions, and many students view college as a place to drink excessively. Students experience greater exposure to drinking and encounter higher levels of peer drinking and positive attitudes toward alcohol as they transition from high school to college.Alcohol is the drug of choice among adolescents in the United States. Slightly over 50% have tried alcohol as early as grade 8; by the end of high school, 80% have tried it and 50% are current drinkers. These statistics cause concern because adolescents are particularly susceptible to several of the negative consequences associated with drinking-motor vehicle crashes (Zador, Krawchuk & Voas 2000), sexually transmitted diseases (Bailey et al. 1999), suicide, death and disability.Many observers believe that alcohol advertising contributes to the widespread social acceptability of drinking and thereby fosters both initial and continued use. Television advertising, which is banned in the United States for cigarettes but not for alcohol, is cited as a major source of alcohol advertising available to young people.Large numbers of American youth are exposed to television advertisements for alcohol, particularly beer (Grube & Wallack 1994). Young people typically see these advertisements on sports and certain late night programs popular with youth (Madden & Grube 1994).Youth exposure to advertising in additional venues, as well as through other promotional activities, is also substantial (Taylor 1990). In the United States, most young people are exposed to alcohol advertising in such common locations as supermarkets and corner stores; many also see alcohol advertising in magazines and at concerts and sports events.One study found no relationship between advertising and actual drinking behavior (Wyllie, Zhang & Casswell 1998), while others have suggested a positive relationship between advertising exposures (Grube & Wallack 1994) or positive responses to alcohol advertisements (Wyllie, Zhang & Casswell 1998) and intentions as an adult. In addition, intentions to drink as an adult tap the child’s expectations of engaging in an activity that is normative and legal for adults; they are far removed from the child’s actual drinking behavior or expectation of drinking while under age.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Macbeth Analysis Essay
How is one able to control his or her emotions when the surrounding environment is influencing one personally? Lady Macbeth finds the answer to this simple; impossible. Lady Macbeth continues to be controlled by others subconsciously whether it is through her own control, other actions or pure guilt. The actions of characters and events that occur in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth affect the life and mental wellness of Lady Macbeth directly and cause her to digress from dominant to voyeur, and then finally to victim, causing the play to be more enticing. To start, Lady Macbeth is a dominant, deceiving and determined woman. For example, Lady Macbeth’s dominance and control are shown when she and Macbeth are discussing the plan for King Duncan’s murder. Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"Your hand, your tongue; look like th’innocent flower,/ But be the serpent under’t.†(1.5.64-65). Lady Macbeth’s control is revealed when she says this because she is openly manipulating Macbeth and telling him how to act and what to do. Also, Lady Macbeth’s dominance is shown while she and Macbeth discuss the murder of Duncan. Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"We fail?/ But screw your courage to the sticking-place†(1.7.59-60). When Lady Macbeth says this she shows the audience that she is able to overpower her husband’s courage with her own. Another example of Lady Macbeth’s persona is when she uses her ability to deceive while talking with Duncan upon his arrival to her castle. Lady Macbeth says to Duncan, â€Å"All our service,/ In every point twice done then done double†(1.6.16-17). Her deception is proved when she says this because she is acting like a pleasant host to Duncan’s face but her motives are much less than pleasant. The deception Lady Macbeth shows while talking to Duncan is successful when Duncan falls for it with no suspicion. This is proved when Duncan says, â€Å"Give me your hand;/ Conduct me to mine host: we love him highly/ and shall continue our graces towards him./ By your leave hostess.†Duncan allowing Lady Macbeth to hold his hand indicates that he has a trust in her and does not have a doubt upon the person he see Lady Macbeth as and has no idea about the motives of his host and hostess. Lady Macbeth is able to use her deceptive abilities after the murder of Duncan is committed. Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"[Her] hands are of [his] colour, but [she] shame[s] to wear a heart so white.†(2.2.62-68). This quotation means that Lady Macbeth still bares the innocence she had before the deed to the eye of others, hence, having a heart so white. This proven to be true because everyone looks at Lady Macbeth as innocent and pure, as if she could do no harm, but the truth is the total opposite. Also, Lady Macbeth’s determination shows through when she calls upon the dark spirits to give her the courage and strength of a male figure and to relieve her of the womanly kindness she possesses. Lady Macbeth asks for this by saying, â€Å"Come you spirits/ That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here/ And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull/ Of direst cruelty; make thick my blood†(1.5.39-42). The determination of Lady Macbeth is shown in this quote because she is doing something as drastic as calling upon the dark spirits to assist her in committing murder. As a result, Lady Macbeth’s dominating personality is able to pursue to her plan of murdering King Duncan successfully, without resistance from her husband. Secondly, Lady Macbeth and Macbeth’s roles switch, leaving Lady Macbeth standing off, with less control and becoming more of a voyeur to the plans of Macbeth. To start, Lady Macbeth is first being stripped of her control right after Duncan’s death is discovered and Macbeth has killed the guard in order to remove suspicion from him. The audience is aware of this deed when Macbeth says, â€Å"O, yet I do repent me of my fury/ That I did kill them.†(2.3.102-103). Lady Macbeth begins to lose control over this because she had no idea or warning of Macbeth’s killing of the guards. This act also takes a toll on Lady Macbeth’s physical state when it causes her to faint. Lady Macbeth fainting is a sure sign of her losing the control she had earlier because not only are other characters leaving her out but also, her own body is causing her to be in that state as well. Next, Macbeth kills Banquo upon his intuition that Banquo has suspicion towards him in the case of Duncan’s murder. Lady Macbeth was ill-informed on this matter which is yet another sign that she is losing control over the characters that she had control over previously and is now watching the action happen. Also, at a dinner, which Lady Macbeth and Macbeth were hosting together, Lady Macbeth first could not get Macbeth the welcome his guests. This is proved when Lady Macbeth says to Macbeth, â€Å"My royal lord,/ You do not give the cheer; the feast is sold/ That is not often vouch’d while ‘tis a-making ,/ ‘Tis given with welcome. (3.4.33-36). She (Lady Macbeth) als o loses more control over Macbeth at this dinner when she is unable to calm him down when he sees the ghosts of Banquo and Duncan. In this situation Lady Macbeth attempts to gain some control by saying to him, â€Å"You have displac’d the mirth, broke the good meeting/ With most admir’d disorder.†(3.4.109-110). The acting-out of Macbeth leaves Lady Macbeth both astonished and over powered. These two instances especially show Lady Macbeth losing control over, not only situations but other characters themselves. Lastly, Macbeth kills Macduff’s wife and children upon suspicion without Lady Macbeth’s push or permission and neglects to inform her of the deed directly and chooses just to imply it during conversation with her. As the two (Macbeth and Lady Macbeth) are talking Macbeth says, â€Å"Come, we’ll to sleep. My strange and self-abuse/ Is the initiate fear that wants hard use;/ We are yet but young in deed.†(3.4.143-144). When Macbeth says this it has the implication of the commitment of another foul deed which Lady Macbeth is only aware of at this point. Macbeth’s drastic actions cause Lady Macbeth to fall uncontrollably uninformed and into the background. Finally, Lady Macbeth ends the play being dominated by her feelings of guilt and the consequences of Duncan’s murder and ultimately becomes a victim to it. To start, Lady Macbeth begins to sleep walk and admits her affiliation in Duncan’s murder. Proof of Lady Macbeth’s sleep walking is proved when the Gentlewoman (a spectator of the situation) says, â€Å"Ay, but their senses are shut.†(5.1.23). She says this after the doctor (the second spectator of the situation) mentions that Lady Macbeth has her eyes open. The Gentlewoman’s line lets the audience know she is indeed sleep walking for her eyes may be open but there sense is disabled. Also in this scene Lady Macbeth’s self control is shown to have weakened further, when she speaks of Duncan’s murder. Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"Out, dammed spot! Out, I say! One, two. Why then ‘tis/ time to do’t. Hell is murky, Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier,/ and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when/ none can call our power to account? Yet who would/ have thought the man to have had so much blood/ in him?†(5.1.31-36) and also when she says, â€Å"The Thane of Fife had a wife. Where is she now? What,/ will these hands ne’re be clean?†(5.1.38-39). These quotes both prove that she knew and was involved in the murders of Duncan and Macduff’s family and shows that these events are the reason for her stress, guilt and sleep walking, hence being dominated/ being victim to these emotions. Next, Lady Macbeth is being dominated by her feelings of guilt when she is seen washing her hand continuously during her sleep walking. While she is doing this she says, â€Å"Here’s the smell of the blood still; all the perfumes of/ Arabia will not sweeten this litt le hand. O, O, O.†(5.1.44-45). This quote shows that Lady Macbeth is overcome by her guilt because she mentally imagines the blood still being there, following her, her mind lets her believe she is still covered in the blood when in reality the blood is just representing the guilt she is feeling. A second example of Lady Macbeth being dominated by her guilt symbolically is when she is dreaming of/ replaying the scene in while sleep walking. Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"To bed, to bed; there’s knocking at the gate. Come,/ come, come, come, give me your hand; what’s done/ cannot be undone. To bed, to bed, to bed.†(5.1.58-60). This quote directly shows the audience that it is indeed the murder of Duncan which Lady Macbeth is stressing over as it is a deed which â€Å"cannot be undone†. Lastly, Lady Macbeth shows that she is becoming victim to the outcome of events, and more directly herself when she commits suicide. The audience discovers her death when Seyton (another Thane) informs Macbeth of the incident. Seyton says, â€Å"The queen, my lord, is dead.†(5.5.16). Lady Macbeth becomes victim to herself in the way that she sees the only option to relieve her of her painful emotions is to kill herself. Therefore, Lady Macbeth is ultimately dominated and falls victim to the guilt she feels caused by the actions of herself and others. To conclude, the mental state and physical well-being of Lady Macbeth is influenced by the dominance and control of both herself and other characters in the play. Lady Macbeth went from being dominant, deceiving, and determined to being uninformed during the murders Macbeth commits to being over some by her emotions that had built up inside her during all of this. Therefore, Lady Macbeth’s life as the audience knows it is dependable on the outcome of events that Lady Macbeth herself is involved in and/ or witnesses. Temptation was the base of all Lady Macbeth’s problems; it is said â€Å"temptation is the Devil.†What would you risk to get what you want?
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