Saturday, December 28, 2019
Walt Disney And Steve Jobs - 1458 Words
Throughout many generations of remarkable feats the late Walt Disney and Steve Jobs are two men who were influential to their eras. Both gentleman had tremendous capabilities that surpassed the average person. Their creativity allowed them to dream big, but even better they made dreams a reality. Walt Disney and Steve Jobs had many things in common, such as aspects of imagination. However, the two men were from different time periods. Disney was born in 1901 in Chicago, while Jobs was born in 1955 in San Francisco. Both men were molded by two different eras, where Disney was generally more formal, wore a suit and had a conservative businessman personality of the 1920’s , while Jobs demonstrated the fast-paced, shirt and jeans, over-optimistic mentality during the dawn of the technology period of the 1960s throughout the 21st century. They also deviated in their different managerial styles, had many diverging ideas about creative endeavors, and also differed in the beliefs of w hat their esteemed audiences and customers desired and deserved. But, beyond their visionary concepts, both gentlemen shared an aspect that would link them and their legacies into the fabric of American business and culture: Failure. By encountering failures throughout their lives, Disney and Jobs’, were able to cultivate a mentality to push beyond the ordinary. Before Disney’s Mickey Mouse, he would first have to lose the rights to Oswald and his other cartoons. Jobs’ would first encounter failureShow MoreRelatedThe Most Important Characteristics Of A Leader Essay1271 Words  | 6 Pagesimportant characteristics of a leader is their imagination. 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The book, about the making of the Disney animated film Sleeping Beauty, proved to be a revelation for Lasseter. He discovered that people could earn a living by developing cartoons. Lasseter started writing letters to The Walt Disney Company Studios regarding his interest in creating cartoons. Studio representatives, who corresponded with Lasseter many times, told him to get a great art education, after which they would teach him animation. When Disney started a Character Animation ProgramRead MoreThe Conflicts And Politics Of Walt Disney1323 Words  | 6 Pagesdiscord which arises as a result of the opposition of needs and interests between the employees who are working together. The various conflicts and politics which affected Walt Disney in the past were caused by the falling company under the management of Michael Eisner. During the early 2000 s, Eisner who was the then CEO of Walt Disney was under a lot of criticism due to the company s falling performance and also his centralized decision-making process. The major cause of the conflicts was that thereRead MoreMergers and Acquisition939 Words  | 4 Pagesmanagement work to achieve a common goal, being the best at what you do, and getting there as fast as possible. As companies work hard to beat their competitors they accept many tactics to do so. As for my assignment, I have chosen to examine why Disney and Pixar merged as a company. A brief definition of an Acquisition and a merger will be given following with the difference between them. I will be discussing if these two companies were a success or a failure and why and which were their reasonsRead MoreCase Conflict at Walt Disney880 Words  | 4 PagesManagement Organization ____________________________________________________________________________ Week 6 Case Assignment 1. How would you describe the conflict between Michael Eisner and the Weinstein brother, the two board members (Disney and Gold), and Steve Jobs†Was it functional or dysfunctional? The functional conflict is defined as a confrontation between groups that enhances and benefits the organization’s performance’ while dysfunctional conflict is defined as any confrontation or interaction
Friday, December 20, 2019
Hiv / Aids As A Pandemic For Global Health - 2101 Words
A little over three decades ago, reports emerged of a new virus that was outbreaking in parts of the United States. Within the first twelve months of these reports, the disease sprung up among particular people groups such as homosexual men, patients with hemophilia, intravenous drug users and blood-transfusion recipients. Shortly after, an epidemic of AIDS emerged in Central Africa, particularly affecting women. Little was it known at that time that these small handful of cases would eventually multiply into the tens of millions of cases that makes HIV/AIDS one of the greatest epidemics in the modern history of global health. This essay seeks to demonstrate that although HIV/AIDS is one of the greatest health threats to the international community, interventions can be created which allow the successful treatment, prevention, care and support for communities facing the pandemic. Before discussing how HIV/AIDS has become a pandemic for global health, it is important to first establish an understanding of what exactly HIV/AIDS means and how the disease has been able to spread so rapidly across many countries and continents. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) attacks the immune system and undermines a person’s ability to fight infections. As the virus destroys and weakens the immune cells vital functions, individuals become immunodeficient which results in increased vulnerability to a range of diseases and infections (WHO 2016). The most advanced stage of HIV infection,Show MoreRelatedThe Presence And Outbreak Of An Infectious Disease1176 Words  | 5 Pagesdisease can have global consequences. Such consequences include the deaths of many people due to an inability to contain the disease. When an infectious disease spreads to, and affects, different populations, this is known as a pandemic. One pandemic that has had far reaching consequences is th at of HIV (human immunodeficiency)/AIDS (acquired immune deficiency symptoms), which officially began in 1981 and since has taken the lives of over 39 million people worldwide (PBS). The HIV virus attacks one’sRead Moreecological model of health1211 Words  | 5 PagesApplying the IOM’s (Institute of Medicine) Ecological Model of Health Abstract This paper discusses how IOM’s ecological model can be used to stop the AIDs pandemic which is a health issue globally. This is because the number of people infected with the disease has increased over the years, since the first case was reported. Statistics show that over 34 million people are infected globally. The disease has been declared a pandemic due to the effects it has caused globally. Therefore, urgencyRead MoreStephen Lewis, A Canadian Politician And Humanitarian1311 Words  | 6 Pagessuffer through the AIDS pandemic, and critically examined how the neglect of global communities and their discrimination contributed to its failure to resolve. While the rest of the world seemed to be unresponsive to an AIDS-ravaged continent, Mr. Lewis found himself passionately involved in the crisis and began to take action. Since his involvement with the United Nations in 1984, Stephen Lewis has tirelessly advocated for African citizens affected by HIV and AIDS, ensured that health care and treatmentRead MoreCommunicable Disease: HIV/AIDS1243 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Communicable Disease: HIV/AIDS What is a communicable disease? A communicable disease is carried by microorganisms and transmitted through people, animals, surfaces, foods, or air. Therefore, communicable diseases rely on fluid exchange, contaminated substances, or close contact to travel from an infected carrier to a healthy individual. The disease might need a blood exchange via an injection, float along a sneeze in a movie theater, or transmitted through childbirth. Hence, a human-to-humanRead MoreHuman Development Index to Measure Living Standards Within a Country, Especially HIV883 Words  | 4 Pagesstressing the ‘living’ rather than the means of attaining it (GDP). Thus, proposing an index that could function as a standpoint for economic and as well as social improvement. Among the various components found in the HDI there are 3 important ones: Health, Education and Wealth (United Nations Development Programme, 2013). Nevertheless, this indicator, since its conception, never stopped being criticised. (Srinivasan, 1994) Suggested that poor data quality was rampant in the HDI calculation, especiallyRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) / Aids1278 Words  | 6 PagesHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS is a pandemic problem affecting global health. At the end of 2015, 36.7 million people were living with HIV/AIDS globally. The rate of incidence is more prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa with almost 1 in every 24 adults living with HIV/AIDS. In the united states, HIV/AIDS is a diversified health problem affecting all sexes, ages and races and involving the transmission of multiple risk behavior. However, with the introduction of various prevention programs andRead MoreHiv / Aids : A Global Health System1606 Words  | 7 PagesHIV/AIDS: A global health system Rita K. Asiedu Rutgers University Abstract Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS is a pandemic problem affecting global health. At the end of 2015, 36.7 million people were living with HIV/AIDS globally. The rate of incidence is more prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa with almost 1 in every 24 adults living with HIV/AIDS. In the united states, HIV/AIDS is a diversified health problem affecting all sexes, ages and races and involving the transmission of multipleRead MoreArticle 567 Of The 2009 Burundian Penal Code1450 Words  | 6 Pagesnew law has amplified the challenges of preventing HIV/AIDS within this community, which in turn negatively affects the overall efforts for global eradication of HIV. Reports of AIDS in Burundi first surfaced in 1983. At the time, same-sex behavior was not considered a criminal act. In fact, Burundi does not always have a history of homophobia - especially compared to the discrimination faced in its neighboring countries. Today in Burundi, HIV is one of the major causes of fatality. In 2015, aboutRead MoreGlobal Health Essay1345 Words  | 6 Pagesanticipate, prevent, and ameliorate global health problems would diminish Americas stature in the realm of health and jeopardize our own †¨health, economy, and national security, stated by The Institute of Medicine. Global health refers to health phenomenon that transcends across national borders. For instance, global health would address predicaments such as: infectious and insect-borne diseases that can spread from one country to another. Thus, global health should be addressed by collaborativeRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv )1416 Words  | 6 PagesHuman Immunodeficiency Viru s (HIV) has been scouring the planet for over three decades. It has a powerful ability to deteriorate a human body in a small length of time. This deadly virus attacks the human body’s immune system and can only survive in the human as its host. The virus is only contracted through body fluid exchange, for example, vaginal fluid, semen, intravenous drug users, and sexual intercourse is the most common way of contracting it. The virus attacks the T cells (type of white
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Rationale of Expansionary Monetary Policy †
Question: Discuss about the Rationale of Expansionary Monetary Policy. Answer: Introduction: Canadian economy is growing in a fast pace due to various reasons such as GDP, increasing employment rate and expansionary fiscal policy management. The economy of Canada experienced a growth rate in its GDP by 3.7 percent, which in turn increased the household expenditure by 1.1 percent. The county also experienced a growth in its exports by 0.2 percent in its fourth quarter. Other factors that is affects the growth rate of the Canada is its increasing population. Canada experienced n increase in its population from 34.9 million to 36.5 billion. The country also experiences a high literacy rate of 97 percent. Thus, the country experiences an increase in its growth rate by 2 percent. The overall positive environment of the country puts a positive impact on the demand for liquor. This is because people of the country are educated and has the purchasing power required to buy liquor. The high purchasing power f the consumer also shows that they love to lead a high-class life (Hall, Robe rt Marc Lieberman, 2012). From the above figure, it can be seen that due to the above-mentioned factors has put a positive impact on the demand for liquor. The aggregate quantity demanded for liquor has increased from Q to Q1. Such an increase is because of increasing living standard of the people and increasing preference for liquor. The change in aggregate demand for liquor is mainly due to changes in other factors rather than price (Baumol et. al., 2015). Thus, the price for liquor is unaffected in the above diagram. Moreover, the product Tequila is considered as a luxury item and thus, it has a relatively elastic demand. The demand for this product is not affected too much extent. With a change in the factors of the economy such as GDP rate, unemployment, purchasing power and the changing life style of the people the demand for liquor will increase but not to that extent (Wetzstein, 2013). The country of Canada aimed at a GDP growth rate of 2 percent in 2017 and a inflation rate between 1 to 3 percent. According to the policy goals of Canada, the country has been able to achieve the growth rate of 1.5 percent and an inflation rate of 1.2 percent (Ryan-Collins, 2015). The monetary policy of the country had the objective of achieving a stable, predictable and low inflation economy. Thus, the country always aimed at two policy components such as inflation control policy and flexible exchange rate policy. In reducing inflation in the country the nation has also targeted a high interest rate policy on loan and mortgages. From the above figure, it can be seen that Canada has experienced an increase in its GDP growth rate management in 2017 compared to its past years. It has a GDP growth rate of 2.7 percent in 2015which increased to 2.8 in 2016. Presently in 2017, the GDP growth rate of Canada increased to 3.7, which even exceeded the estimated growth rate of 3.6 percent. Thus, the economy of Canada is expanding at a faster rate (Svensson, 2015). Figure 3 shows the trend in the inflation rate in Canada from 2015 to 2017. The company had a inflation rate of 1.5 in 2015 which increased by 1 percent to 1.6 in 2016. However, the policy maker of the country aimed to keep the inflation rate between 1 to 3 percent in 2017. According to the data of 2017 in the first two quarters, the country has been able to cut down its inflation to 1.2 percent by increasing its interest rate on loan and mortgages (Argy, Nevile, 2016). From the above figure and data, it is clear that Canadian economy has experienced an increase in its GDP and fall in its inflation rate over the past three years. The economy has been able to achieve the target growth rate and the inflation rate according to the policy of the country. However, on curbing the inflation the bank has increased the interest rate over loans and mortgages (Ekelund Jr, R.B. Hbert, R.F). (2013. This has reduced the money in the hand of the people. On the other hand, the country has experienced an increase in the GDP growth rate over the last three years. This has put the consumers in a better condition. Thus, it can be seen that the country will experience an increase in the demand for liquor, as people are becoming rich and high living style. However, the aggregate demand will not increase to that extent as the government is curbing the money from the hands of the people to curb inflation (Mankiw, 2014). Thus, the data that is presented in the above questi on helps to give the same prediction as stated in question one. Liquor consumption is increasing in Canada at a relative rate even though the government is trying to curb the money from the hands of the people. This is because people of Canada are fun loving and like to lead a good life even with limited amount of money. The GDP of the Canadian economy is very high. As a result of which people the purchasing power of the people will increase. The government will thus adopt deflationary fiscal policy to stabilize the economy. When the government adopts tight fiscal policy, there will be fall in the aggregate demand of liquor. The Government will raise the tax on liquor and thus it will increase the price of liquor. Thus, higher amount of taxes will reduce the spending of the consumers (Sims, 2016). This will also help the government to improve the deficit budget. When the government reduces its expenditure and borrowings, there is increase in the supply of funds in the credit market and thus the interest rate falls. This leads to crowding in effect on the economy. The exchange rate (MXP-CAD) in such a situation will increase and thus will be profitable for the Government (Bordo Landon-Lane, 2013). The expansionary monetary policy will make the consumption attractive compared to the savings. The products will become cheaper for the people of the other economies and it will help the exporters because the exports will become cheaper and it will also boost up the demand Moreover, these expansionary monetary policies will also increase the aggregate demand and thus boost up the economic growth (Bekaert, Hoerova, Duca, 2013). There will be increase in money supply in the economy and thus fall in the interest rate. This low rate of interest will encourage the business firms to invest and the consumers will be attracted to spend more. Moreover low interest rate will make the borrowings cheaper. This will also lower the incentive to save of the people. The exchange rate (MXP-CAD) will fall if there is expansionary monetary policy. This will strengthen the current account thus weaken the financial economy. As the financial condition of the economy declines, the current account will imp rove and thus it will also improve the balance of trade of the country. Thus, the GDP will increase and it will lead to increase in the imports (Hommes, Massaro Salle,2015).). When the government adopts expansionary monetary policy, the exchange rate will fall. This will lower the quantity of imports and thus increase the exports when they are denominated in terms of CAD. This is because CAD will become cheaper for the export countries importing liquor from Canada. These will increase the sales of the domestic firms. The exports will increase when the sale of tequila in terms of Canadian dollar remains unchanged. The imported goods will become more expensive and thus this will lead to inflation in the economy (Cochrane, 2016). When the government adopts deflationary fiscal policy, the exchange rate in terms of CAD will increase. The quantity of imports will increase and the exports will fall. This is because with an increase in the value of exchange rate CAD will become costlier for the foreign company importing Canadian liquor.The sales of the domestic firm will decrease when the value of the Canadian dollar remains unchanged. The value of Mexican peso will increase and thus there will be appreciation in the exchange rate. The imported goods will become cheaper (Ma, 2015). Reference list Argy, V. E., Nevile, J. (Eds.). (2016).Inflation and Unemployment: Theory, Experience and Policy Making. Routledge. Baumol, William J., Alan S. Blinder.Microeconomics: Principles and policy. Cengage Learning, (2015). Bekaert, G., Hoerova, M., Duca, M. L. (2013). Risk, uncertainty and monetary policy.Journal of Monetary Economics,60(7), 771-788. Bordo, M. D., Landon-Lane, J. (2013).Does expansionary monetary policy cause asset price booms; some historical and empirical evidence(No. w19585). National Bureau of Economic Research. Canada Inflation Rate | 1915-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast. (2017) Retrieved 29 August 2017, from Cochrane, J. H. (2016, April). The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level and its Implications for Current Policy in the United States and Europe. InNext Steps for the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level conference at the Becker Friedman Institute for Research on Economics at the University of Chicago(Vol. 1). Ekelund Jr, R.B. Hbert, R.F. (2013).A history of economic theory and method. Waveland Press. GDP growth (annual %) | Data. (2017) Retrieved 29 August 2017, from Hall, Robert E., Marc Lieberman.Microeconomics: Principles and applications. Cengage Learning, (2012). Hommes, C., Massaro, D., Salle, I. (2015). Monetary and Fiscal Policy Design at the Zero Lower Bound: Evidence from the Lab.CeNDEF working paper, (15-11). Ma, C. F. (2015). An Insight on the Rationale of Using Expansionary Monetary Policy during the Great Recession.University of Toronto Economic Review, 58. Mankiw, N. G. (2014).Essentials of economics. Cengage learning. Ryan-Collins, J. (2015). Is monetary financing inflationary? A case study of the Canadian economy, 1935-75. Sims, C. A. (2016, August). Fiscal policy, monetary policy and central bank independence. InKansas Citi Fed Jackson Hole Conference. Svensson, L. E. (2015). The possible unemployment cost of average inflation below a credible target.American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,7(1), 258-296. Wetzstein, M.E. (2013).Microeconomic theory: concepts and connections. Routledge.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. Answer: Introduction: The relation of hacking and IT is as old as they are. It has been more than a century in occurrence of hackers. From early 19th century, issue of hacking was encountered by IT users (Information Technology Law, 2017). In old days, hacking was done in very common ways by sending small harmful programing scripts to users computer, through virus attack and by using floppy disks frequently on different computers to spread virus. These all methods had potential to violate system security. Now, the area of hacking has become wider and causes different issues that I will discuss in segment of this report. Hacking has been implementing for last many years and it is a way to illegally access information from computers without taking permission from its owner. In case of IT, hacking is related to unauthorized access of systems and networks to get confidential information from them (, 2017). To implement this approach malware and other virus attacks are implemented. The main issue here is that hacking can cause high level damages to the networks, computing devices and some other losses of finance, information and reputation of users (, 2017). Why Hacking is a Threat? Besides this, hacking is always considered as a big threat for users of information technology. There are several reasons that why hacking is a threat for IT that are listed as below (, 2017): It is one of the main reasons that hacking is considered as a threat. Hackers spread virus into system by using harmful executable programming scripts. This virus causes problems in functionality of system holistically and it becomes difficult for users to work with system and to control the spreading of virus (Comodo Antivirus Blogs | Anti-Virus Software Updates, 2017). Moreover, with the help of hacking bugs and operational mistakes can be raised into software solutions (, 2017). Another big threat of hacking is that it causes severe problems for supporting system or network infrastructure in IT (, 2017). Through hacking attacks, it is possible for hackers to raise issues of power failure, loss of communications, network damage and information leakage etc. (Ravi Sharma, 2012). This threat of hacking in information technology leads to system poor performance and loss of resources of information (, 2017). Another biggest threat is of security and privacy of information (, 2017). Due to accidental hacking attacks, various issues in installation and maintenance of security tools occurs and it raises security issues of information for users. If security tools will not work properly then it will become easier for hackers to conduct attack on networks and computer systems (Dr. Dobb's, 2017). Furthermore, databases can be accessed from remote locations easily by cyber-attackers. This is all happened in absence of security tools system becomes weak and it is easy to violate its security and privacy. Due to above discuss reasons, hacking has always been a big threat for users of information technology and there is no doubt to say that hacking and phishing attacks has potential to obtain personal information from users of IT. Now from above discussion it is cleared that hacking is a big offence and causes so much damage for IT users. Therefore, some essential preventative approaches must be implemented to get rid of hacking attacks. What is available to protect against Hacking? The aim of this report is to identify and discuss a latest and advanced software solution that can provide protection against hacking. The most commonly available software solutions are antivirus software, firewall and anti-spyware software. These solutions must be used by IT users to control hacking attacks (T. Manirathnam, R. Devi, Dr. A. Muthukumaravel, 2014). First of all, if I talk about anti-virus software solution then it is easy to configure into system and it gives alert to users at identification of a virus. Moreover, antivirus software solution can fix virus or bug into system (, 2017). In this case, antivirus is useful for getting prevention against hacking in IT (CNBC, 2017). Another available software solution is firewall. It is an in-built software in operating system that must be in on mode (Schlesinger, 2017). Firewall detects unknown entities that try to enter into system and can cause damage. These entities can enter through any content that is downloade d from different website and it is in form of pop-ups or notifications (Y. Huang, Z. Huang, H. Zhao, X. Lai, 2014). Here, firewall restricts harmful pop-ups and allows users to block these pop-ups. Hackers mostly uses these techniques to access information from users systems. Besides this, anti-spyware software solution is also an essential tool that can be used to get prevention from hacking. It is commonly observed that hackers use spyware software to gather personal information of users without their permission. It is a harmful software and it is difficult to remove from system in which it is resided. In this case, anti-spyware software solution is used as a preventative approach of hacking. It is an effective solution to combat spyware. Like firewall and anti-virus, anti-spyware also provides real time protection to its users. So these are some operative solutions to control problems hacking information technology. Literature Review about Current Software Solution As I have discussed some commonly used software solutions that are easy to use to resolve problem of hacking IT (Tonge, 2013). But with further analysis, I got to know that according some researchers point of view OTP is an emerged solution that can provide better prevention from hacking issues. These researchers work in field of automation and cyber security for protection of data and they truly believe that OTP is an appropriate solution to maintain security and privacy of IT users. In case of online transactions and to perform other online activities on banking and business level websites, security and privacy must be maintained both at developers and users end (More, 2017). In this situation, a solution that we can use is OTP i.e. One Time Password. It is used for authentication of account or for opening any file. There are number of researchers that are working in this field and give assurance that it is a reliable and secure solution to stop hacking in information technology (E . Kalaikavitha etl [14]). These researchers also defines that how OTP is helpful in daily routine to set mobile and system authentication. OTP is generated with the help of a mathematical formulae and after generating OTP it is sent to the user through SMS on his mobile for authentication of his online account (E. Kalaikavitha, J Gnanselvi, 2013). OTP is highly recommended to use in case of mobile banking or internet banking where authentication of users account is very much important (Shesashaayee [15]). According to T. Saini [16], a new OTP is generated at every transaction and here genetic algorithm is used with a cryptography approach of elliptic curve. Getting new OTP every time enhances security of online users account and they do not need to worry about old passwords (T. Saini, 2014). One Time Password is one of secure techniques of prevention from hacking. The main factor of OTP enhances its efficiency is use of biometric authentication technique that increase security and p rivacy of users account at large extent. Furthermore, use of SHA algorithm is also important aspect of development of OTP. Now whenever any user do online transactions or send any important information regarding users account then OTP is highly preferred to use (Lidan Shou, He Bai, Ke Chen, and Gang Chen, 2014). Nowadays, most of the business organizations, banking institutions and ecommerce business organizations are using this software approach to enhance security level of their services for its users. Therefore, after this whole discussion I can say that OTP is an advanced solution that can be used for controlling hacking and phishing attacks (Saranya, T., Shalini, A., Kanchana, A, 2014). It is also defined by OTP developers that phishing attacks can also be controlled with the help of this technique. The use of one time password decreases the risk of security in case of overall process of authentication (M.H. Khan, 2014). There is no doubt that issues of cyber security are increasing day by day and it is time to resolve these issues by using advanced techniques. Although OTP is considered a better security approach, but there are other detection techniques are also available that can be used by users according to requirements to constrain hacking (A. K. Kushwaha, 2014). Conclusion To sum up, I can say that hacking is vulnerable in case of information technology and it can be severe if proper solutions will not be used by developers and users. Therefore, above discussed solutions must be taken into consideration seriously. These prevention approaches will allow users to maintain high level security and privacy of their systems and online accounts. Additionally, before start usage of every security method it will be better to get its fundamental knowledge. 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